alejandro t. acierto and mee! KT! This is our book, its sold out. We will have a volume II through Sybil Press this summer 2021. You can download a free pdf version here!
CQDE: A feminist manifestx of code-ingwritten by Alejandro T. Acierto and KT Duffy speculates on the nature of collaboration through queer-feminist frameworks within creative coding environments. Situated within ongoing conversations of care and accountability, this text draws from restorative justice models and intersectional feminist praxis to outline a new logic of care within techno-collaborative spaces. Acknowledging the nature of violence that often permeates relationships within creative coding contexts, educational environments, and the broader tech industry, this manifestx presents alternatives that establish new orientations of thinking, doing, making, and being. Offering a series of speculative toolsets for the implementation of techno-collaborative feminist praxis, CQDE calls into question the relationships between human and machine.
Diffused Stream, Unfelt Shadow ⤍
CQDELAB Residency Project at AddsDonna
RaRa.Technology ⤍
Langer Over Dickie Exhibition Design and Development
What Lies Beneath is Already on the Surface ⤍
Langer Over Dickie Exhibition Design and Development
Intelligent Belligerent ⤍
Solo Show at the Neon Heater Gallery
A Trace of Fashioned Violence ⤍
WRITTEN ON THE BODY: Narrative (Re)constructions of Violence(s)
Hack the Patriarchy ⤍
Websites and project archives from Hack the Patriarchy Project
Wham City Lights
A selection of web design/s from my time as a designer at What City Lights